Evolving vulnerability management with tenable.io integration

ASPIA Tenable.io Integration

Vulnerability management is an integral part of enterprise security, however, Evolving vulnerability management was needed as it was a cumbersome task for the enterprise teams as they had to manually go through spreadsheets and presentations to track assets, vulnerabilities, and their status. This made it difficult for the leadership team to make decisions about critical vulnerabilities in real-time.

Today, we will discuss how ASPIA helped transform vulnerability management with tenable integration. By integrating with Tenable, we are able to provide a much more comprehensive view of all your security requirements in a single place.

How the integration between ASPIA-tenable.io works

The integration of ASPIA with Tenable.io was completed by implementing the APIs available with tenable.io. This integration enables ASPIA to ingest the vulnerabilities and assets data from tenable. ASPIA normalizes and visualizes the data in its dashboard to manage all assets and vulnerabilities from the ASPIA dashboard. Utilizing the integration, enterprise security teams can initiate a revalidation scan into tenable.io for identified issues from ASPIA with ease.

This integration has been successfully validated by tenable.io and ASPIA is now officially listed on the tenable website as an official technology partner.

Values generated for the enterprises

This integration helps enterprises to enhance vulnerability management along with generating the following values :

  • Improved Collaboration for vulnerability management
    Different enterprise teams(security, development, leadership, etc.) can collaborate to achieve faster vulnerability resolution through ASPIA.
  • Automated vulnerability management workflow
    The automated vulnerability management workflow has significantly reduced the manual efforts in managing the vulnerabilities and helped save time and resources.
  • Better decision-making with risk-based insights
    Enterprises are able to make quick decisions regarding critical vulnerabilities with the help of granular risk-based insights offered by ASPIA.
  • Easy vulnerability revalidation
    Revalidation scans for assets can be automatically triggered into tenable.io from ASPIA with just a click of a button.
  • Real-time visibility into vulnerability management
    The leadership teams are now able to monitor the progress of vulnerability management with real-time visibility from ASPIA

In conclusion, we would like to share a few words  from our customers about how this  integration has helped them:

ASPIA has been a great addition to our vulnerability management program. ASPIA has effectively made vulnerability management a seamless and automated process by integrating with Tenable.io and enabling the team to manage vulnerabilities in real-time.Thank you, team ASPIA, for such an effort and everything that you have done for us.

For efficient vulnerability management reach us out and we will deliver tenable.io and ASPIA integration for evolving the vulnerability management process.


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