Vulnerability vs Risk vs Threat

Vulnerability, risk, and threat are commonly used in information security today. Sometimes these terms are misunderstood or used interchangeably, leading to a confusion and resulting in implementation of ineffective security measures. Thus, understanding vulnerability, risk and threat is crucial and more importantly understanding the difference between them helps in developing effective protection strategies against cyber...

Vulnerability Management Dashboards: The Key to Proactive Cybersecurity

Cyberattacks are getting more sophisticated and common in today’s fast-paced and constantly changing digital space. Businesses need to address cybersecurity proactively to reduce these risks. Thus, Implementing a strong vulnerability management program accompanied by a powerful Vulnerability Management Dashboard is the key to achieving this goal. We’ll discuss the importance of vulnerability management dashboards and...

The Consequences Identification and Authentication Failures

Introduction: What are identification and authentication failures? Vulnerabilities due to identification and authentication failures are determined by the flaws in applications’ authentication mechanisms, regardless of how robust or well-implemented they are. Prior to 2021, it was referred to in the OWASP Top Ten as “Broken Authentication,” but it now goes by its new moniker. Instead...

ASPIA Integration

Vulnerability management is an integral part of enterprise security, however, Evolving vulnerability management was needed as it was a cumbersome task for the enterprise teams as they had to manually go through spreadsheets and presentations to track assets, vulnerabilities, and their status. This made it difficult for the leadership team to make decisions about critical...